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Guangzhou Genwave Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.
Pemasok multi-spesialisasi
Guangdong, China
Produk utama: Terapi magnetik, terapi Ultrasound
Total floorspace (200㎡)Testing instruments (3)On-site material inspectionCooperated suppliers (1)
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Guangzhou Genwave Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 


Guangzhou Genwave Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. is a company with research and development department, which has a strict procedure to select and produce products. Good quality, performance and best price have been provided for over 4 years. We have a large inventory which can ensure 3-day delivery time in most of the time.  Well-trained sales team has the direct channel to communicate with engineers.  Over 2000 clients in 124 countries have enjoyed our professional and timely service and we will keep providing such service.